Almost a year passed sice Joomla became a real CMS. Now it's time to make a little study to find if it's still growing and if it's more powerful than Mambo. A few days ago Google released Google Trends , a nice and helpful tool for webmasters. This study is based on searches made by regular users on Google. I must say that this tool has a small problem. It doesn't show the number of searches (probably milions) but you will see that it give us a clue where Joomla is compared to Mambo.
Of course our first comparison is based on the name of CMS: Mambo vs Joomla. As you can see below Mambo has a descended trend over the last few months. Now, of course Joomla is rising because it's new and it's growing, but only one or two months ago Joomla received for the first time more search hits than Mambo. The descending trend for Mambo started exactly when Joomla was born and the descending trend is almost comparable to Joomla's ascending one. On the graph the difference is small, but let's make the search more specific.
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Mambo templates vs Joomla templates. A lot of users search for new templates. I think this is one of the best keyword to show how Joomla is doing (see the picture below). Mambo templates keyword was searched for the first time in the early 2004. The number of searches continues to grow until in the middle of 2005 when there was the split between Mambo and Joomla. People searched in that period for mambo until the new name Joomla came into play. Now as you see, Joomla templates keyword grew very fast in number of searches, but Mambo templates started to fall. Not so fast maybe because many users search both terms. The best thing hapened to joomla at the end of 2005 when the number of searches for Joomla templates and Mambo templates was equal. Well... in 2006 Joomla continues to grow, but Mambo seems to go down. Also, now Joomla templates received almost the same number of searches as Mambo templates in the middle 2005. And that was the best period for Mambo!
Mambo components vs Joomla components. Here, the trends are more clear. Whem Joomla was released as a new name the search for Joomla components explodes. Probably many users believed that Mambo components were not compatible with Joomla and started to search for the same components that they used with Mambo. Something strange happened in the early 2006. Searches for Joomla components dropped, but it seems to recover now.
Here are a few more search keywords: Mambo modules vs Joomla modules, Mambo forum vs Joomla forum, Mambo hosting vs Joomla hosting, Mambo tutorial vs Joomla tutorial.
As you can see, Mambo is Falling, Joomla is growing.... like a flower!
Of course our first comparison is based on the name of CMS: Mambo vs Joomla. As you can see below Mambo has a descended trend over the last few months. Now, of course Joomla is rising because it's new and it's growing, but only one or two months ago Joomla received for the first time more search hits than Mambo. The descending trend for Mambo started exactly when Joomla was born and the descending trend is almost comparable to Joomla's ascending one. On the graph the difference is small, but let's make the search more specific.
Click on image to enlarge
Mambo templates vs Joomla templates. A lot of users search for new templates. I think this is one of the best keyword to show how Joomla is doing (see the picture below). Mambo templates keyword was searched for the first time in the early 2004. The number of searches continues to grow until in the middle of 2005 when there was the split between Mambo and Joomla. People searched in that period for mambo until the new name Joomla came into play. Now as you see, Joomla templates keyword grew very fast in number of searches, but Mambo templates started to fall. Not so fast maybe because many users search both terms. The best thing hapened to joomla at the end of 2005 when the number of searches for Joomla templates and Mambo templates was equal. Well... in 2006 Joomla continues to grow, but Mambo seems to go down. Also, now Joomla templates received almost the same number of searches as Mambo templates in the middle 2005. And that was the best period for Mambo!
Mambo components vs Joomla components. Here, the trends are more clear. Whem Joomla was released as a new name the search for Joomla components explodes. Probably many users believed that Mambo components were not compatible with Joomla and started to search for the same components that they used with Mambo. Something strange happened in the early 2006. Searches for Joomla components dropped, but it seems to recover now.
Here are a few more search keywords: Mambo modules vs Joomla modules, Mambo forum vs Joomla forum, Mambo hosting vs Joomla hosting, Mambo tutorial vs Joomla tutorial.
As you can see, Mambo is Falling, Joomla is growing.... like a flower!
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